thesis context

February 23, 2011

Thesis Context

HSBC commercial ‘The world’s local bank’ (JWT, UK 2010)

HSBC bank’s new commercial by JWT, UK was introducing new print advertising under the title, ‘The world’s local bank’. I first saw the ads in the subway and find myself walking along inside the train to see the entire series. Even though this ad has different format and purpose,    there are some similarities with what I am trying  to do for my thesis project.

‘The world’s local bank’ ad explains some interesting concepts. The ads show unknown facts  about different countries. For example, here is the one part of it.

HSBC World’s local bank , 2010

The ad  shows unexpected facts asset Iran. The funny thing is, there might be some people in Iran who will also be surprised about the American film industry. People in Iran might  think American film markets, such as Hollywood, are big places with lots of female filmmakers but the fact is that Iran has 6 times more woman film makers than the US.  I am not from the US  or Iran, but still, this fact is surprising because I know more about the  American film industry than I do about Iran’s film industry. Here are some other pieces of their campaign.

The ad even gives some scientific facts and connects them and HSBC’s potential and opportunity to be the international bank that can helps from the  world’s. HSBC’s TV ads show interesting points of view from different cultures, including corporate meeting styles in the United Sates versus Japan different interpreters  of showing one’s  feet to others, and the different meanings for different countries.


Similarity, HSBC bank ad

The HSBC ads show similarities as well as differences . While not exactly the same, but two ads  on the previous pages show visual similarities between eastern and western cultures. It is after all, the same world that all people live in!

I like the overall concept of the HSBC advertisements. The ads give viewers a chance to think about issues from different points of view. From HSBC’s 2010 advertisement, I learned how much their  advertisement gives chance to people a chance to read and think about issues using interesting facts rather than just grab people’s eyes with beautiful graphics and cool visual effects. They introduce different facts in different places around the world for maximum impact so for example they introduce where Asian cultural facts in Western countries and European cultural facts  in Latin America.

I would like my thesis project do something similar online. Similar but different, I would like to build a ‘participatory space’ where people can share and teach each other about their countries’ cultural knowledge and customs.  People will be able to get information from each other and share stories with related themes and topics.  possibility to visualize this as the format of the map, submitting forms, forums and in visual language, info-graphic style.

Cultural contents will be very challenging for my thesis project, which has a broad range of subjects that can be covered among the different cultures.  The contents decide the concept and beauty of it. Superstition is the first topic I plan to start with. All contents have superstitions, but they vary widely.For each country red  people who living there can tell the stories.

For example, in South Korea, there is a funny superstition about shoes. If a girlfriend buys shoes for her boyfriend, her boyfriend will cheat on her, he will live her. When I first date with a guy, my parents always told me this. Funny thing is, even though the break up was for different reasons, I sometimes still blame the superstition. Not that I am living in New York, I have a chance to learn about different country’s superstitions. Facts were funny and it was interesting to know different cultures.  Showing the middle finger might be an exactly insulting motion in some countries. Indicating money using hand gestures is different in different  countries. Some countries rub their fingers, while other countries roll their fingers. As in the HSCB commercial, showing the palm of the hands is very friendly expression in some countries but very rude in other countries.      I think these are interesting contents to show. Seeing some embarrassing experiences, has the potential and help people understand different cultures and compare with their own cultures. Superstitions and non-verbal, verbal cultural codes never change, they are passed down, generation to generation and I thought it might be the great subject to talk about.

Another interesting culture code I am looking at involves recently generated cultures, things that are, happening among the younger generations, that mix different cultures and are happening now. Raw and real content shared by people might be the real experience online. People could get the benefit of using the Internet to read the live stories of people around the world.



Jesmand Tay HSBC TV advertising adnalysis March 2, 2008


HSBC  <>

HSBC overall TV commercials references


You tube superstition interview , August 28, 2008 , Superstition around the world <>

Cultural body language differences by  Laura Jean Karr, Jan 15, 2011


Cultural gestures by Charlene Wu <;

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